October 24, 2024
It will run from 4:30 - 9:00.
Set up will begin today after school. You can begin bringing items (plants or baked goods) to the office today after school. You can also bring items tomorrow AM.
If you are volunteering today after school, please jump in anywhere and lend a helping hand. We will begin transforming classrooms in their designated areas. We will set up the tent, the pumpkin patch, and lighting around the campus as well. There will be lots of places to help out. Many hands make light work!
We look forward to seeing you and putting together another great event!!
In addition to that, we will keep the theme of the season going and have a Trunk or Treat event on Sunday from 4:30 - 6:00. If you would like to decorate your vehicle and spend some time with us on Sunday please contact Ms Jordynn or Ms. Omura.
God’s Blessings