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Pumpkin Fest 2024

The Countdown has officially started. We will be posting on social media daily and I will be sending lots of reminders! THANK YOU THANK YOU AND THANK YOU! We have had a huge amount of support thus far and look forward to even more!

Sponsors please drop your banners in the office. I will have them up and ready to go on Monday morning.

Please Sign up for a shift if you have not done so already! Here is the sign up form.

Thank you to those who have volunteered for a little set up help on Thursday!

Venmo will be available as an option to buy tickets and other items. In the “What’s this for?” line please type PF-Location. For example if you are buying something at the Country Store, you would type “PF-Country Store”. If you are buying tickets, please type “PF-Tickets”.... I think you get the idea 🙂

Mystery Boxes… KEEP THEM COMING! They can be dropped off in the school office and I will deliver them to the right place.

Remember Country Store Goods can be dropped off Thursday afternoon or Friday AM!

We’re almost there!


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