The 3rd grade is attending a field trip on Friday, November 8th 2024. We are asking you to drop your child off at the Maui Ocean Center instead of ELS this morning. Your child will bring all their school supplies (i.e. backpack, lunch, water, red folder) with them to the Ocean Center. We will have a designated area to store their backpacks during the duration of our stay. Please have your child leave any important/valuable items at home as their bags won’t be in a locked location.
We will be having an early lunch at the Ocean Center. Please pack a lunch for your child. This can be a disposable lunch or their lunch box. Your child will be responsible for getting their belongings back to ELS. Your child will not have access to the food or gift shops at the Ocean Center. Please do not send them
with money for these features.
At 11:15 am, we will be bussing back to ELS. You will pick up your child at ELS as normal at 2:45 pm (or E+). Please send $5 with your child prior to the field trip to cover the cost of the bus. Please have your child wear their red uniform t-shirt this day. When dropping your child off at the Ocean Center, please do not leave until you have checked your child in with Miss Reynolds at 8:25 AM.
The Ocean Center staff will be meeting us at 8:30 AM. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to Miss Reynolds either through the Remind App or send an email to gr3.teacher@elcs-maui.org.